I am excited to announce that JaneSTORM is A PUBLISHED AUTHOR!!!
Thanks to Cathy Liska, CEO of the Center for Coaching Certification for her leadership and collaboration to bring 12 Coach/Authors together to publish the 10th Coaching Perspectives Book!!!

The book is a collection of insights and techniques from trained coaches with each chapter an individual read, this book serves coaches and clients alike for awareness, tools, and new ideas.
My chapter is titled "The 6 C's of Transformational Coaching". The chapter has perspective and activities for coaches, clients and includes JaneSTORM case studies. The six C’s of Transformational Coaching are: Confidence; Client Focus; Curiosity, Clarity, Commitment and Client Feedback plus the Bonus: Celebration.
Seizing Opportunities!
I took the opportunity to leave a copy of Coaching Perspectives X in a free beachside library box in Bradenton, Florida and on a beach side wall on Lido Key, Florida. I went back to both places a few days later and the book was gone! YAY! Looking forward to seeing if it resonated with whomever picked it up.
Want a signed, discounted copy for $12 (includes S&H)?
Head over to the home page on https://www.JaneSTORM.com
Scroll down and provide your email and Jane will contact you!
Order from JaneSTORM direct! Special Offer: Free 30 minute coaching session!
Coaching Perspectives X Paperback is $22 on Amazon!

Look for another JaneSTORM chapter "Clearing Your Mind Clutter"
in a collaborative book coming in June published by Green Heart Living.